Friday, October 15, 2010

It's About the Children

OK... I've been sitting on this blog for a while.  I've wanted to write, but I guess I just needed a little more fuel added to my fire.  Why are people so ignorant?  A more important question:  Why are ignorant people able to breed?  I am fully aware that people may look at things that both moms on this blog do and wonder why we do it, but one thing no one can deny is we've done our research and we feel we have made the right decisions for our children.  There are things we do differently, but we don't judge each other because we both have reason to back up what we do and we respect each other's decisions.  We have debates from time to time, but there's no question in the end all of our children come from a loving home and are taken care of well.  Now, there are some people who pay absolutely no attention to what they are doing to their children!!

The first issue I am going to address is medicating children.  I, personally, rarely medicate my child.  If my child needs antibiotics, yes, my child gets them.  Does my child get cough medicine with every cough... why HELL NO!  I believe our immune systems are there for a reason.  If you are doing all the work for them, their bodies will never learn to do it on their own.  Why are you shoving all this medicine down your child's throat???  I understand some kids need medicine to breath.  I know there are situations when a child needs to be on medication.  NO child needs to be on cough medicine daily!  A few month ago, I witness a four year old child telling his mother, "Mama, I can't sleep.  I need medicine."  SHE GAVE IT TO HIM!  You don't give a child medicine at their request!  You don't give a child medicine to make them go to sleep!  There's a much better way to get your child to go to bed.  Get off the phone... stop messing with the computer and make your child stay in bed!  If they lay there long enough, they will fall asleep.  Yes, it will take some of your time.  Your child will need your attention, but they will benefit much more from that than from medication!  Stop shoving medicine down your children's throat!  You are creating future drug addicts!

Alright, now that that's off my chest... It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach when I see single mothers more worried about boys than they are about their children.  Having a new guy in your child/ren's life every other week or month is detrimental to them!  Why do you want to teach your child/ren that this is acceptable?   I've seen a two year old child call every man he meets "Daddy" because for the first year and a half of his life the two men he was around were called "Daddy".  What would possess someone to do this?  I've seen a few girls, far from women, move themselves and their children in with guys or let the guys move in with them after a few weeks of dating.  The children start forming a relationship with the men, and then surprise! The relationship ends!  Children need stability.  Yes, you can't control everything that happens, and sometimes things may be thrown off track, but changing a child's home life every couple of months is not healthy.  Then, when your child/ren start having behavioral problems, you start wondering why.  To answer that question, you are an idiot!  That's why your child/ren act like that and you have absolutely no control over them.

While on the subject of men and behavioral issues... you don't let a man who has been in your child/ren's life for 2 weeks, a month or even 6 months discipline your child!  Your child will never respect them and there's a good chance they will eventually lose the little respect they may have for you.  A child needs to know they can trust someone first.  They need to know that a person is there to care for them and respect them before they start hearing "No, no, no" from someone.  I realize it's easier to pass that responsibility off on anyone who's around, especially since you obviously don't know how to discipline them, but this is your responsibility.  They are your children!  Once again... get off the phone, stop talking to that boy who won't be around in 3 weeks and take care of your children.  

Now, when I say take care of your children, I am not meaning beat them.  I am fully aware that the time-out method takes a little while to fully show results and talking to your child and explaining what they did wrong requires you to take some time out of your personal life and all, but in the long run, it works!  There are many things you can do, besides hitting your child repeatedly, that will teach a child right and wrong.  I am not against spankings in general.  I have spanked my child, but I rarely spank my child, so when I do, it does immediately change a behavior.  I spank in extreme situations.  Otherwise, I use time-out, behavior charts, and I talk to my child.  Amazingly... I can send my child to school or to a babysitter and my child is always well behaved.  Hitting your child every time they do something wrong and screaming at the top of your lungs will not teach your child anything good.  This only teaches your child that hitting is acceptable and it's not.  Chances are, if spanking and yelling are your only forms of discipline, this is the main interaction you have with your child and he/she knows it.  Translation:  They will continue the bad behavior in order to get the only attention they can from you.  Sounds kind of sad, doesn't it?  It is.  Very. 

Get off the phone!  Put down the computer!  Stop doing whatever else you are doing that seems to be more important than spending time with your children and teach them the things they needs to know in life.  Show your children that they are important to you.  Show them you care.  Play a game with them.  Take them to the park and push them on the swing.  You will be amazed at what a little time and attention will do for your children.  Stop using medication to make them more agreeable.  Stop hitting your children any chance you get.  Speak to them.  Like you and I, they understand words much better than a hand.  Teach them right and wrong by explaining things to them.  You'd truly be amazed at what this will do for the child's behavior.  Stop passing the responsibility off on other people.  Stop putting your children last.  The men come and go... your children will always be in your life.  Start appreciating them.  It's not guaranteed you or they will be here tomorrow.  Your children need you.  Step up and be a mother.

-Mom #2

Sunday, September 05, 2010

If They Only Had a Brain (of their own)

Ugh!  I'm so frustrated by the brainwashed peoples.  

Breastfeeding is best, but this crap called formula is okay?  Um, no.  Read the ingredients.  Can you even pronounce some of them?  I know that some people have trouble breastfeeding... I certainly did.  But goat's milk is the better choice.  Or you could make your own formula with all natural ingredients.  Yes, there are lots of ingredients and making the formula is a pain in the butt, but should that really matter?  Your children's well-being is what should matter.  

What's with 10+ ultrasounds when pregnant?  Doesn't seem safe, to me.  Radiation?  Would you stick your baby in a microwave?  I'm not talking about in medically necessary situations... sometimes it's important for the health of the baby and/or the mom.  But getting one every month just for pictures?  Not a good idea.  Pregnancy isn't a disease, isn't a sickness.  You shouldn't need to be monitored so frequently unless you aren't healthy (I could totally go into a rant about junk food here, but I'll leave that for another day).    

Don't get me started on vaccinations.  Injecting newborns with a ridiculous amount of toxic substances?  It's not hard to look up what a vaccine is made of...  I don't vaccinate.  And it's not because I'm paranoid.  I choose not to vaccinate because I do not want to fill my children with all that poison (49 doses by the time they are six?!?  Who's paranoid?) Here's a list of vaccines and their ingredients, just for fun.  But it's "normal", so it's not questioned.  

It all seems so simple.  I figured this stuff out.  And honestly, it's not like it took me forever.  I read, I realized, I knew.   Educate yourself!

Opinions are like... well, you know.  Everyone has one and they usually stink (some of you will probably think so about mine!).  Being a parent and having to politely nod at all the unsolicited advice...  it's not fun.  People are so right.  You can't have a different opinion or you must be a conspiracy theorist.  People talk about being "open-minded" but still feel this way if you believe something that isn't "mainstream".   What I'm trying to say is that I hope no one takes this personally.  Just think.  Don't do things because everyone else is.  Or because it's what doctors or pediatricians tell you to do.  Do you really think they have your best interest at heart?  Sure, there are some good doctors left in this world, but for the most part... it's all about the benjamins, baby. 

~Mom #1

Thursday, September 02, 2010

I'm so furious.  My whole post just got deleted.  What the eff.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jumping Right In

Let's talk about circumcision.  

I don't consider male circumcision to be genital mutilation in the same way that I consider female circumcision to be.  Honestly, it's not the same.  Female circumcision was (is) done because it was wrong for women to enjoy sex; because we are the weaker sex; because the men are important and the women are to be there for their men and for that only.  Male circumcision was started around 2000 b.c. as a sign and seal of the covenant God made with Adam.  Not because masturbation was wrong, not because it was "unsightly", not to lesson men's sexual pleasure.  Just to separate God's children from those who weren't.  

I grew up in a church where this practice was not only common, but was normal; was expected.  I didn't question this for a long time, just like I didn't question a lot of what was "normal" within those walls.  I was blind (but now I see!  hah!) and that's just the way it was.  That's all I knew, so it's what I believed.  I had my first son at a very young age and didn't know what I was doing for the most part.  He was circumcised at 8 days old by a Jewish pediatrician who did the procedure the "old fashioned" way.  My husband held my sweet boy down while they sliced.  I nearly fainted, and I wasn't the one going under the knife!  Being so uneducated in parenting when he was little was rough (and obviously, it was rough for him too!)  Thankfully, I had a good support system (aside from giving circ. advice, that is) and didn't vaccinate... but that's another topic for another day...

Now, years after the birth of my first son, I have another uncircumcised boy.  I'm glad I was given the opportunity to do things better, but will always bear the guilt of inflicting that choice on my firstborn.  Someday (probably sooner than I'd like), I'll have to explain to him what we did, why he and his brother are different.  

I don't think (male) circumcision is *wrong*, but I think it is unnecessary.  Why inflict that pain on your child if it isn't necessary?  

Check out this blog.  They have a better post on circumcision than I do, even if their feelings are a little stronger on the subject than mine.

~Mom #1

My turn!!

So, I am Mom #2 and I won't be using this blog to do much but rant and rave, so I won't be telling you too much about myself.  I'm a mom... I have a child.  Generally, I have a decent temperament to me, but there are certain things that just drive me insane.  Number one on that list is ignorance and I see it everywhere!  

Everywhere I go I see the blind leading the blind and it drives me absolutely insane... WAKE UP!!  Open your eyes and educate yourself!  Stop taking other people's word and find out for yourself.  We have this amazing thing that so many people have not had before us... it's called the internet.  You know what... all the information you could possibly dream of is right here!  

Anyway... this is just my "introduction".  I don't want to rant too much now... gotta save some of this pent up anger for other blogs!!  

Saturday, August 28, 2010

And We're Just Getting Warmed Up

I'm so excited about starting up this blog!  My friend and I decided that we need a place to let go, to share our crazy days, and to give advice to others having similar experiences.

I am a SAHM (sometimes a WAHM) to several young children.

Our intentions for this blog aren't entirely clear even to us.  We plan on using this for random thoughts, vents, discussions, advice etc.  And don't be surprised if we touch on some controversial topics...  We both have big mouths and we use them frequently.  But we hope to help out some mothers in need.  New moms, scared of the unknown; veteran moms, hoping someone else is in the same boat and on and on.

Guess that'll do for tonight.  I'm off to try to get as much sleep as I can before one of the rambunctious herd awaken.

-Mom #1